So I have now been in Kobuk for a little over a week. Actually as I write this I am sitting in Kotzebue Middle/High School and am not in Kobuk at all, but that is beside the point. After my initial arrival things were a little bit slow. My new co-workers invited me to dinner that first night and then to brunch the next morning. That evening I had dinner with Luke and Sarah, Baptist missionaries in town so I didn't eat anything at home until the second full day. Off and on through the days different kids came to visit me. I took walks through town, but it just rained and rained so I didn't see too many people. On Sunday I went to church and Sunday Katie arrived. It was fun to be on the receiving end. All the kids went to the airport as did I and the other teachers and we greeted her there. It was great fun. It was also the first time the sun had shined since I arrived. Corrine took Katie and I on a tour of the village (I had already had one, but I went again) and learned more. I didn't take pictures then, but I have taken a few pictures so I'm going to go ahead and post those now.

The Kobuk Baptist Mission. Right now though the Baptist church is meeting in the Friends church because the Friends church is without a pastor and they asked Luke to preach so he's holding the Baptist services in the Friends' church building.
The Kobuk river with just a few of the boats that can be seen on it.
The Kobuk River again with some of the fireweed.
The Russian Store. There are two stores in town. O'Brown's (see the next picture), which Luke run's and this store run by a Russian man named Eugene. I haven't taken any pictures inside the stores, but since I'm getting to know Luke pretty well I might do that sometime before too long (although I'm going to be spending most of the next week in Kotz.)
O'Brown's. This is the other store in town and Luke works here. I don't know if the Russian store accepts credit cards, but this one does.
I haven't taken any pictures of the school yet because they board it up in the summer to keep the kids from breaking the windows. I also haven't taken any pictures of my house so I'll have to do that when I get back to Kobuk.
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