Yesterday we had a car wash, yes a car wash in the Bush. As far as I can tell only 1 person in Kobuk actually owns an automobile (we do have approximately 15 miles of unmaintained dirt road) and that is not the car we washed. There is a company called Nova Gold which is operating a camp and runway at Dahl Creek (3 miles uproad from Kobuk - there is no down road though because Kobuk is the start of the road) and working on some other stuff up at Bornite (at the other end of the road). They have 1 12 passenger van and 4 trucks. They drove to Kobuk and picked the kids up and drove them to Dahl creek and then paid towards the youth center that a couple of my co-workers are working with a couple of students to create (this is not associated with school).
10 kids went and they had a blast. I'm not going to post any pictures of this because I shouldn't/won't post any pictures of the kids. Every time one of the vehicles was going to be moved 5-6 kids would jump in for the very short ride. There was also a power washer and all the kids wanted to use it (in honesty so did their teacher and she got her turn because she simply asked them to hand it to her - I didn't use it long though just a few seconds. I didn't want to take the fun from the kids). They also provided us a barbecue dinner - huge sausage-like hot dogs, chips, macaroni salad, cupcakes, beans and mellon. The weather was perfect and I think fun was had by all (I know I did).
Speaking of the weather. Fall has definitely arrived. The mountains and the tundra are all awash in yellow. The overnight temperatures are dropping pretty rapidly, but the daytime temperatures aren't too bad. I think we are still warmer than Anchorage. I don't have a thermometer, but I would guess that it was in the low-mid sixties during our carwash yesterday (I know all the sweatshirts came off).
I will post pictures (I got some great one of the surroundings) as soon as I can find my card reader. My card reader, my sunglasses and my keys are the 3 things that have always been a challenge for me to keep track of.
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